Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The And The Natural World - 1217 Words

Within earth science we have learned a lot about natural phenomenons. Within this Capstone project, people will be able to see how these have affected not only the earth but society as well, specifically in art. In the painting, Despair, people will see the affects of the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake and the destruction it caused to the city. Edwin Deakin created the painting. The painting itself contains a image from after the earthquake. The destruction of this earthquake is beautifully portrayed within this painting and contains many elements that were described in class. This Capstone project showed how much the natural world can be an inspiration for art. By connecting the randomness of Mother Nature, along with the colors, and†¦show more content†¦Any buildings that were left from the earthquake was soon destroyed by the fire. This is considered one of the most horrible urban disasters in world history. Causes of Earthquakes Earthquakes are very interesting natural phenomena. It cannot be predicted by any amount of science that is present today. It can cause great destruction but the only thing to do is prepare for it. An earthquake can occur for many reasons. The boundaries of the plate tectonics are the reason for Earthquakes. The earthquake taken place was on the San Andreas Fault, which is a Transform boundary. A transform boundary is when two plates slide along each other. This can cause many earthquakes but are usually relatively small. The two plates that are present are the Pacific plate and the North American plate. The San Andreas Fault runs along the coast for about 1300 km. The plate has a displacement and is considering by scientists as right-lateral strike-slip. This can be best described as if you were standing on one side of the plate, North American, and when you stand there the plate would move to your right. Earthquake Waves and Magnitude The earthquake has much more to it than just plates moving along side of each other. There is the different kinds of waves that are present from the faults slipping, along with what the magnitude and how it is measured. The different types of waves that are produced by an earthquake is Primary waves, Secondary

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